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Dirk Philips: What Makes a Church?
About a year and a half ago, I had a conversation with a friend who had left a plain Anabaptist community to join the Roman Catholic Church. Unlike Anabaptist-Catholic discourse…
Five Fruits of Repentance
The five fruits represent what is needful in repentance when we sin and the shape of the life that follows from it— penitent, humble living in true surrender and joyful dependence on Jesus Christ
Cultivating Faithful Presence
How should Jesus' followers seek to make a difference in the world? Matthew offers five skills that help provide faithful presence, which brings enduring change. He explains how FB aims to nurture these skills in our staff and students.
you are needed
We've all heard the ways we can get involved in missions: pray, give, or go. However, Dennis calls us to a broader, more robust and personal approach to service in God's Kingdom. You are needed!
Called to Serve: The Role of the Christian School Board
Kendall and his co-writers share a vision for the important work that school boards give to their communities.
exceptional learners among us- who are they and how can we help them?
Who are exceptional learners in our communities, and how can we help them? Lynell is a consultant for Anabaptist educators and offers ways to understand and care for our own exceptional learners.
charitable disagreement in a polarized world
In a noisy world of outrage, pride, and ridicule, how can God's people engage wisely with those we disagree with? Josh offers 10 suggestions for charitable disagreement.
that i may know him
What does it mean to know God? Kyle Stoltzfus calls us to desire knowing God in community and experience.
how the gospel seed grows
Anabaptist Christians, as part of the Christian faith, have some things in common with other Christians. In this article, Steven Brubaker
explores five distinctive contributions of Anabaptism to the faith. In addition to being the administrator of Faith Builders, Steven teaches
several classes at the Institute, including Reading the Bible, Anabaptism as a Worldview, and Principles of Science.