College Entrance Service

Regarding Accreditation

Is Faith Builders Accredited?

Faith Builders, a conservative Anabaptist post-secondary educational institution, is not accredited. Choosing accreditation would require Faith Builders to shift its focus to meeting the requirements of accreditation. We find many of these requirements helpful ways to structure post-secondary learning. But taken as a whole, we find the requirements in tension with some of the trademarks of Christ’s Kingdom.
However, numerous colleges do award credit for study at Faith Builders. For numerous of these schools, a transcript from Faith Builders is all that is needed for them to award credit for academic work at Faith Builders.

College Credit Recommendations

In 2010, Faith Builders began working with the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) to determine whether courses offered by Faith Builders are comparable to college courses and to establish credit recommendations. Click the link above to view the Faith Builders courses that were awarded credit recommendations by NCCRS.
You may submit your Faith Builders transcript to a college or university that accepts NCCRS recommendations as credits. Upon application, request to meet with an academic advisor to review your transcripts. Should they need detailed information about the course and credit recommendations, direct them to Faith Builders NCCRS profile. It is your responsibility as a Faith Builders student or alumni to ensure that the receiving college will award credit for Faith Builders courses.


If you are interested in transferring credits to a college or university but are unsure if they will receive our credits, contact us to request a conversation between the college representative and Kyle Stoltzfus, our academic dean.