FBCS Ministry

Faith Builders Christian School

Faith Builders Christian School

Welcome to Faith Builders Christian School

It is always encouraging when parents desire a sound, Christian educational experience for their children. At Faith Builders Christian School, we endeavor to provide that opportunity to every family we serve.

FBCS is a non-accredited, private school. We appreciate the freedom and flexibility that a non-accredited status allows; furthermore, our graduates have successfully applied to attend colleges and universities. We operate under the larger organization of Faith Builders Educational Programs, a teacher training/apprenticing program. We work closely with teacher apprenticeship, and we function, in many ways, as a lab school. We feel this is an added benefit for us since we are always seeking to improve our program and methods.  Our primary goal is to serve parents in their God-given task of teaching and training their children.

Thank you for your interest in our school!

History and Goals

In 1992, the old Randolph-Mead High School in Guys Mills, Pennsylvania, was purchased by FBEP, and renovation was immediately started. The decision was made to open a parochial school in the fall of 1993 to provide a biblically sound Christian education for community children, along with student-teaching opportunities. Melvin Lehman was the first parochial school administrator, and the school year opened with thirty-eight students from grades one through twelve. Today, FBCS is an integral part of Faith Builders’ Teacher Training program, and it is our continued prayer that God will be able to use Faith Builders Christian School as a faithful instrument for His service.

We work to partner with local families and churches to provide a nurturing environment, equipping our children for Christ-centered service in the home, church, and community.