Faith Builders Available Speakers


Faith Builders Speakers Contact

Speakers Available for Church or School!

The following instructors from Faith Builders are available to speak in churches or schools. Please contact them for more information or to discuss availability.

  • Stephen Russell
  • John Coblentz
  • Melvin Lehman 
  • Brandon Mullet
  • Steven Brubaker
Faith Builders Speakers Stephen Russel

Stephen Russell

  • Nonresistance: biblical and historical aspects, its importance in missions/evangelism
  • Church history: early Reformation, Anabaptist, modern, the Enlightenment and its effect on us
  • Old Testament subjects: e.g., using the OT to show how God works in history, the importance of the Abrahamic covenant
  • Church and State: what is our proper role as believers? 
  • Topics from Historical Theology or Systematic Theology
Faith Builders Speakers John Coblentz

John Coblentz

  • Discipleship in the Local Church: Six 30-minute sessions exploring what it means to follow Jesus together and to engage effectively with each other through the difficulties of life in a fallen world.
  • Knowing God: Six 30-minute sessions exploring how life-long acquaintance with God deepens faith, worship, and faithfulness.
  • Marriage: Six 30-minute sessions exploring roles in marriage and communication skills that enable commitment and intimacy.
  •  Each of these topics can be adjusted to accommodate schedules with either longer or fewer sessions
Faith Builders Speakers Melvin Lehman

Melvin Lehman (Not available until 2026)

  • The Kingdom of God
  • The Role of Culture in the Kingdom of God
  • Minor Prophets
  • I Corinthians 11
Faith Builders Speakers Brandon Mullet

Brandon Mullet

  • Congregational Singing and Worship Workshop: seeks to reinforce and renew our practice of congregational singing by teaching a biblical perspective of worship, giving historical context for our worship practices, and helping song leaders develop skills for leading congregational singing and worship. (1-1/2 day workshop)
  • Worship: What It Is and Why It Matters: the centrality of worship and how the Sunday worship service shapes daily life. (50 minute presentation)
  • Leading Congregational Singing: training for song leaders that addresses both musical and practical considerations 
  • Listening to Music: how we interact with music and how we can cultivate a taste for what is lovely, excellent, and good. (3-4 sessions)
Faith Builders Speakers Steven Brubaker

Steven Brubaker

  • Anabaptism as Worldview: This series explores five core values emphasized by Anabaptists (Eight 45-minute sessions generally given in 4 meetings).
  • Reading the Bible: This series offers practical instruction on reading and understanding the Bible (Eight 35-minute sessions generally given in 4 meetings).
  • Shaping our Children’s Worldview: A 45-minute presentation from Proverbs 2 exploring how parents and teachers can nurture Christ-centered beliefs and values.
  • Five Ways to Become Effective Board Members: a 50 minute presentation and discussion for boards.