Life verse: Mark 10:45 “Even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Lucy Miller was born and raised with five siblings in Holmes County, Ohio.  After attending public school for her education, she had a number of odd jobs, mostly in restaurants, before moving to Sunnyhaven Children’s Home in Plain City, Ohio.  There, she served as a houseparent for mentally handicapped adults.  Plain City became her home for the next twenty-nine years, with Bethesda Fellowship as her home church.  She continued on as a part-time houseparent for a few remaining residents after the closing of Sunnyhaven while also holding a bookkeeping job for five years.  At that time, she was asked to teach at Plainview Christian School, the local school attended by students from a number of congregations.  During her twenty years of teaching junior high and high school there, she attended a summer term at FBEP in 2012.  In 2016, she terminated her teaching career and moved to northwest Pennsylvania to be part of the Faith Builders office team.

Lucy enjoys baking, logic puzzles, reading, and gardening.  She also enjoys spending time investing in the lives of others, young and old.  She can imagine no greater goals than making God look good and hearing Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”