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Favorite verses: Psalm 73:24 “Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.”
Proverbs 14:26 “In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.”
John Coblentz was born in Canton, Ohio, and grew up in Hartville. He graduated from Hartville Christian and later attended Rainy River Community College in International Falls, Minnesota. After working for Christian Light Publications as a writer and editor for 16 years, he served as a marriage counselor at Deeper Life Ministries for 12 years.
Born in Washington, Iowa, Barbara (Yutzy) Coblentz grew up in Kalona. At age eight she moved with her family to International Falls, Minnesota, where she attended Loman Elementary and Indus High. She enjoys her life as a housewife and mother.
John and Barb have seven children, John Jr, married to Rose Mullet; Sharilyn, married to Ryan Zook; Marjean, married to Josh Nisley; Benjamin, married to Heather Coby; Joshua, married to April Stoltzfus; Andrew, married to Jessica Stoltzfus; and Theodore, married to Lydia Miller. Their family enjoys camping, traveling, and reading. Together they desire to glorify God, dedicating their resources to His kingdom, experiencing His redeeming grace, and guiding their family and as many others as possible into loving relationship with God.