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Abby Wingard was born and lived in Catlett, Virginia for the first several years of her life. When she was five, she moved with her parents and four older siblings to Thomas, Oklahoma, where she grew up amidst animals and agriculture.
Abigail graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in December of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She then moved to Guys Mills, Pennsylvania to begin working at Faith Builders. Abigail serves as the librarian for the Training Institute and as an academic advisor.
Abigail has attended two Winter Terms at Faith Builders as a student (2018 and 2021). Before moving to Pennsylvania, she worked for six years in the office at a small engine repair shop and interned at a domestic violence shelter.
Abigail cares and is curious about people and research. She enjoys reading, learning, and quality time with others. She desires to be pushed towards growth in a way that makes her a more effective and useful worker in the Kingdom of Christ.